Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 220.

Dahil ang homework namin sa theo ay online summary about the bible especially Revelations Chapter 21:5.

Nagbasa basa ko sa internet about dun at marami naman akong natutunan. At nagawa ko tong pahayag na ito. ito na ung HW ko. :)

“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.”
-Rev. 21:5

WORDS WITH MEANING: (From Bible and Internet Resources)

He that sat - Or “the one sitting.” He is not identified. (cf. Revelation 20:11) In Revelation 4:2 the Father is represented as seated on the throne and the same may here be implied. Some point to Matthew 25:31 as evidence that the reference may be to Jesus Christ.

Behold - The speaker calls attention to something important about to be disclosed.

All things - Nothing of the curse is to remain. (cf. Revelation 22:3)

New - (see notes on verse 1).

Write - See notes on Revelation 1:11. At different points in John’s experience in vision the command to write is repeated. (Revelation 1:19; 2:1; 14:13; etc)

True and faithful - Genuine and trustworthy. The words and promises of God are altogether trustworthy and may therefore be depended upon. (Revelation 22:6) Sources

"The challenge for us, the Church in the Philippines, is to do the same. We are called to put out into the depths of Philippine life and society, to put out into the depths of our life as Church, to put out our nets into the unknown depths of the future. Like Peter, we know the frustration of having caught nothing. But like Peter, we know that the One who directs us is the Lord who has renewed all things by his life, death and resurrection. And so we dare to begin again in the task of renewal. May Mary, star of evangelization, be with us in our journey to the new creation we so deeply desire."

-- I can say that this statements and explanations tells me that by grace we are renewed in this life.  But in heaven God will make ALL things new. 

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